Unable to Receive Prompts/Notifications


Sometimes a phone does not receive a trigger at the scheduled moment, or the trigger does not show up at all.


If you or your participants are unable to receive prompts and notifications, chances are the phone was unable to refresh in time if a change was pushed. It is important to know that skipped prompts or delayed prompts can occur when a participant's app has not refreshed in time to coincide with changes that are made on the server.

For example, if you change the date or time of a trigger on the server, the phone must refresh the app in order to receive these changes. If your participant has turned off their data/wifi, or has their phone off, they will miss these changes and the app will default to the original settings.


In the case where automatic updates fail:
  1. Open the MetricWire App
  2. Select the Refresh icon in the upper-right corner
  3. Ensure that you are connected via mobile data or wifi

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