MetricWire Knowledge Base

Welcome to MetricWire's Support Knowledge Base

This is the support knowledge base for the MetricWire platform. It contains helpful hints, tips, how-to's, and troubleshooting articles for the entire platform. Before submitting a support ticket, it is best to search through the knowledge base to see if your issue can be readily resolved.

Please follow these steps when encountering a problem within the platform:

  • Navigate through the support topics to see if your issue is listed
    • There are many sub-sections that are organized under each topic, be sure to click each topic to uncover its associated sub-section

  • Use the search bar to quickly uncover articles that can solve your issue, but the information within may not be highlighted in the article title
    • Be sure to check the bottom of the article for related topics and posts

  • If you cannot find what you are looking for within the support articles, feel free to send us a message at
    • Be sure to fill out the email thoroughly as it will help us resolve your issue faster! Be sure to include:
      • Name, Name of Study/Survey, Participant id/email (if applicable) and an accurate description of the problem.

  • If you find information that is out of date or incorrect please don't hesitate to let us know!


Use the search bar to quickly navigate through support articles



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