Using Audit Trails

Audit Trails allow you and your collaborators view any and all changes made to various components of a study, and by whom those changes were made.


Step-by-step guide

  1. First select the Audit Trails icon from the Workspaces menu. 
  2. The following table will display all changes made to components of a study.
  3. The table displays the date and time a component was changed, which researcher made the change, what the action was,  what item was affected, and the item id.
  4. Click on a change to see the specific details. Note: Changes in a lighter font denote a "shell change" on a parent object when one of its children was updated, or when the save button is hit without actually making any changes. A shell change contains only a new version number and new updated date. 

  5. The changed fields will show up in green, and the previous fields will be shown in red.
  6. The previous or changed fields will also be stricken.


Note: Selecting Show Unchanged Fields will allow you to see how objects and fields that remain unaffected by the changes you have made.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.